
AMD显卡驱动Crimson Edition 16.8.3 Hotfix 64位win10优化版

系统:WinAll 大小:209.5M

类型:硬件驱动 更新:2016-09-01

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AMD显卡驱动Crimson Edition 16.8.3 Hotfix64位win10优化版,新驱动为Battlefield 1 Beta和Deus Ex: Mankind Divided提供CrossFire配置文件来支持DirectX11模式,另外修复了Radeon RX 400系列显卡在游戏中出现随机间歇性白屏或花屏的问题,这款最新的显卡驱动,能带来5-8帧的性能提升!


随着游戏大作Battlefield 1 Beta上线,AMD也发布了Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.8.3 Hotfix显卡驱动程序为其优化。


战地1 Beta已经向Battlefield Insider用户开放,我们也正紧张地测试中,从昨天试玩来看,这款游戏值得向大家推介,那么为其优化的Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.8.3 Hotfix显卡驱动程序自然也是要推介给大家的。

新驱动为Battlefield 1 Beta和Deus Ex: Mankind Divided提供CrossFire配置文件来支持DirectX11模式,另外修复了Radeon RX 400系列显卡在游戏中出现随机间歇性白屏或花屏的问题。


A few game titles may fail to launch or crash if the AMD Gaming Evolved overlay is enabled. A temporary workaround is to disable the AMD Gaming Evolved "In Game Overlay".

Radeon Software may intermittently fail to install or hang on some AMD CrossFire configurations. If this happens users can reboot and re-install without issue as a workaround.

Grand Theft Auto V™ may experience an application hang on Radeon RX 400 Series Graphics when playing at 4K resolution in story mode.

A small number of 144hz non-FreeSync enabled displays may exhibit flickering during gaming or on desktop.

Ark Survival Evolved™ may experience an error message when trying to launch the game in some configurations.

DOTA2™ may experience an application hang when using the Vulkan™ API and changing resolution or game/quality settings.

Corruption may be experienced in Rise of the Tomb Raider using the DirectX®12 API on some Hybrid Graphics configurations when performing a task switch.

Shader Cache may remain be enabled when set to "off" in Radeon Settings on some Hybrid Graphics configurations.

Radeon RX 480 graphics may experience intermittent stuttering in The Division™ when high game settings are used and vsync is enabled.

Battlefield™ 4 may experience intermittent crashes when using Mantle. As a work around users are suggested to switch to DirectX®11.

Radeon Pro Duo may experience a black screen in Total War™: Warhammer with the games API set to DirectX®12 and V-Sync enabled.

World of Tanks™ may experience stuttering after performing a task switch in AMD CrossFire mode.

Rocket League™ may experience flickering when in AMD CrossFire mode.

Ashes of the Singularity™ may experience an application crash with "crazy" in game settings and Multi-GPU enabled.



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