来源: admin 2011/2/17 10:28:14 浏览量:324
A tier one club can only admit eight members, while a tier 2 club
allows 16 members and, finally, a tier three club can have up to 32
1级俱乐部8人 2级16人 3级32人
Tier 2 and Tier 3 club locations are incrementally more posh than the
Tier 1 club, but the rEAl reason to upgrade is the four exclusive cars
you can drive with your T2 and T3 memberships (that is, two exclusive
cars per tier).
2, 3级的俱乐部大本营比1级的更豪华 而且2级俱乐部有2辆独享车辆 3级
有4辆 具体是哪些车还没公布
While inter-club challenges will net some points for your club, the real
points come from challenges between different clubs
俱乐部内的一些挑战能为俱乐部赢得些点数 但真正的点数来自俱乐部
You'll be able to arrange these from the bar at your club (sadly, you
can't arrange a round of shots to celebrate your latest victories too).
To tell your club mates on the road, some club leaders have already
started to make use of TDU2's well-stocked stickers shops to
mandate a certain look for members' primary cars.