来源: 飞翔小编 2011/6/8 17:22:15 浏览量:578
首先打开 我的文档\Cities in Motion 文件夹(Win 7 用户请去桌面上双击你自己的用户图标,然后打开 我的文档)。用记事本打开其中的 config.script 文件(在我的机器上名为 settings.script),在 // misc 一节里找到这一行:
$debug = false;
$debug = true;
然后在 // misc 这一节的最后再加上一行:
$disableDebug = false;
按键: 效果:
[F1] 跳过一天
[F2] 任务马上完成
[F3] 增加 10000 金钱
[F4] 在任务中跳过乘客(还不清楚效果)
[F12] 打开控制台
Cheat Codes
Locate the file named config.script in the folder My Documents/Cities in Motion/. Open the file in Notepad and look for line:
$debug = false;
Change it to:
$debug = true;
Then add at the end of chapter line:
$disableDebug = false;
You may now use the following cheat keys in the game:
Code: Result:
[F1] Skip Day
[F2] Force Objectives Completion
[F3] Add 10.000 Money
[F4] Skip Passengers (in Objectives)
[F12] Open Console