豪华至极 官方推出《杀手:赦免》的游戏专业版
来源: 飞翔小编feichenpan 2012/4/12 9:29:24 浏览量:383
小编评语:我们的光头杀手即将再次掀起一番腥风血雨,经典暗杀类游戏《杀手》的官方微博近期放出的一张图, The 'Professional Edition' of Hitman: Absolution.翻译为《杀手:赦免》专业版。
Square Enix and IO Interactive are excited to announce the 'Professional Edition' of Hitman: Absolution. This cool, black clamshell box contains an art book, a 'making of' video, three elite agency weapons for the Original Assassin to use on his missions as well as a whole lot of badass awesomeness.
What do you think? Will you be getting this beauty for your game collection?
小编大致翻译下:大家要hold住啊,杀手的最新作品将要发售专业版,这个非常酷,专业版有画册、游戏制作花絮DVD、本体游戏外加几把枪的DLC(本编还以为是真枪) :Agency Jagd P22G ;Agency HX UMP SMG ;Agency SPS 12 ,有了这些枪可以在游戏进程中更加无法无天地杀敌,你觉得怎么样?赶快来一份专业版游戏来收藏吧。