
传闻黑客Yifan Lu攻破PSV安全系统 破解指日可待

来源: 飞翔小编 2012/9/7 10:20:02 浏览量:401

  根据国外黑客网站爆料,一位名叫Yifan Lu的黑客宣称其已攻破索尼掌机PSV的安全系统,并运行了自制程序,不过目前尚没有视频和软件证实此消息真假,有待查实。剧报道Yifan Lu 是一位技术开发人,他曾将Kindle越狱,将Habbo Botel接上私人服务器,破解了Xperia Play。

  其似乎攻破了PSV的安全系统,并开发出了一个早期的自制程序加载器。他除此之外没有说更多的细节,不过要让普通大众获得这个加载器似乎还要一段时间。相信现今索尼公司肯定感到非常不安,特别是听说Yifan Lu还在寻找更多的开发者来协助这项计划。


  Yifan Lu- a tech developer who has jailbroken the Kindle, Habbo Botel private servers, and an Xperia Play hack- has apparently broken the Vita’s security and developed an early homebrew-launching application for the device. He hasn’t revealed any further details than that, and it will likely be a while before we see this accessible to the every day Joe Shmoe.

  Still, Sony must be pretty upset right about now! Especially given that Yifan is looking for even more developers to assist in the project…

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