

来源: admin 2010/12/14 10:43:41 浏览量:2065

  在Dragon Age\bin_ship下找daorigins.exe点右键创建捷径


  例如""E:\Program Files\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole

  也就是在2个" "的后面加上(空格)-enabledeveloperconsole


  了(PS:用~之后再打cheat code不会显示在画面上.打完之后要加Enter)


  runscript zz_addapproval X ZZ(X是人物代码ZZ是要加的好感度值)

  i.e runscript zz_addapproval 1 50

  1 - Alistair

  3 - Morrigan

  5 - Shale

  6 - Sten

  7 - Zevran

  9 - Eiliana

  unscript addxp X - X=amount加经历值

  runscript zz_money X - X=amount ie 100 gold is 1000000加钱

  runscript zz_addparty NPCname - Add party member by name直接把队友增加队伍

  runscript ai off - Turns off AI关闭AI

  runscript zz_givearmor - Adds Dragonbone Legion Armor to inventory会在你身上穿上


  runscript addtalent X - ie runscript addtalent 4020 would add Rogue to the active player/party member(直接开启专精职业)

  runscript removetalent X - Removes talent

  rcane Warrior: 4012

  Champion: 4013 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.

  Assassin: 4014 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.

  Bard: 4015 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.

  Berserker: 4016 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.

  Blood Mage: 4017

  Shapeshifter: 4018

  Reaver: 4019 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.

  Rogue: 4020 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.

  Templar: 4021

  Warrior: 4022 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.

  Mage: 4023

  Spirit Healer: 4025

  Ranger: 4029 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.

  Duelist: 4030 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.

  Shale: 4033

  War Dog: 4034 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.


  runscript addability X增加你想要的属性点数(X介于33到90065之间)

  runscript addtalent X增加你想要的天赋或技能点数


  2 - war dog

  4 - Wynne

  8 - Oghren


奔跑吧兄弟:跑男来了 梦幻西游多酷客户端
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